
AUC Philologica (4/2018)

This publication consists of the contributions to the sixth Postgraduate and Post-doctorate Colloquium on Low Countries Studies which took place at the Charles University in Prague on 7 – 10 March 2018. The colloquium aimed to provide a methodological and professional support to young postgraduate and post-doctorate researchers on their path to a doctorate or a habilitation. The colloquium, organised by the Department of Dutch Studies at the Charles University, is an iniciative of the Central European  association of Dutch studies Comenius.

The scientific contributions cover a diverse range of branches within Dutch studies: linguistics, literary studies, translatology and cultural history. All papers with the exception of the keynote speech by professor Ludo Beheydt come from researchers in  Central Europe. Their main objective is to present a scientific account of their work in progress in pursuance of their doctorate or habilitation. The selection therefore offers, in a wider sense, an illustration of the scientific zeal in the field of Dutch studies in this area.

The publication is available online in Dutch.

Plav (12/2017): The Literary Portrayal of Former Dutch and Belgian Colonies (Literární oblast bývalých nizozemských a belgických kolonií)

A themed issue of the literary magazine dedicated to postcolonial literature. The literary portrayal of former Dutch and Belgian colonies. Translations from Dutch provided by a team led by Ph.D. Lucie Sedláčková.

Available at select bookshops or via e-mail:

Plav (06/2016): Overview of the Walloon-Flemish Theatre in Belgium (Průřez bilingvní valonsko-vlámskou divadelní Belgií)

An issue dedicated to one-act plays. An overview of the bilingual Walloon-Flemish theatre in Belgium. Representing the Department of Dutch Studies, Mgr. Lucie Sedláčková, Ph.D. (Tom Lanoye), Mgr. Renáta Doanová (Hugo Claus) and Bc. Radomír Valeš (Pieter de Buysser) contributed their translations.

Available at select bookshops or via e-mail:

Praagse Perspectieven 10 (2014)

The Prague Perspectives 10 is the last volume in the Department of Dutch Studies colloquia series. The colloquia were published in memory of Olga Krijtová (1931–2013) who worked at the Department of Dutch Studies for almost half a century. The literary section of the volume is based on the international research project CODL which specialises in the circulation of literature written in Dutch from the Middle Ages up to the present. The linguistic lectures focus on the sociolinguistic phenomenon of code-switching, when one speaker uses two or more languages in one discourse.

You can order the publication from Albert Gielen:

Praagse Perspectieven 9 (2013)

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The literary section aims to explain the role of popular literature in the history of Dutch literature with particular attention to selected works from the 19th and 20th century. The linguistic part focuses on the so-called exotic Dutch, exploring the influence of unrelated foreign languages on Dutch. The migrant, pidgin and creole languages are also included among the topics discussed.

Praagse Perspectieven 8 (2012)

The literary section is dedicated to the relation between the literatures of globalization and provincialism, exploring the range of foreign influences on Dutch literature over the course of centuries. The articles in the linguistic section deal with Dutch dialectology.

Geschrift eener bejaarde vrouw uit 1997: Speciaal nummer van Praagse Perspectieven (2011)

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A Special volume of The Prague Perspectives published on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Olga Krijtová, a prominent Czech figure in Dutch Studies, who provides the reader with an insight into her life and her experience as a translator, and writes with wit about her love for Dutch literature.

Praagse Perspectieven 7 (2011)

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Unfulfilled Expectations (literary section) and Broken Patterns (linguistic section) are the topics of the seventh volume of The Prague Perspectives. The literary section contains analyses of selected works which do not meet the readers’ expectations in some way and provoke controversy among both professional and amateur readers. The theme of controversy extends into the linguistic part, which focuses on changes in syntax and word formation. It also analyzes the influence of English on Dutch.

Praagse Perspectieven 6 (2010)

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The literary section named Comics and Dutch Literature explores the history and status of the genre not only within Dutch-speaking regions but also in the Czech Republic. The linguistic section of the volume focuses on the Dutch language of the 21th century. The reader is presented with two opposing tendencies. The authors poses the question whether standard Dutch is disappearing or whether the definition of acceptable language norms within it is changing.

Praagse Perspectieven 5 (2008)

DBNL, E-shop FF UK

The fifth colloquium took place on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Dutch Studies. This volume includes the speeches presented during the two-day colloquium as well as a variety of other contributions concerning topics not discussed during the conference. The main theme, “Linguistic Landscape”, encompasses the diversity of different regions and the representation thereof in language and literature. In the literary section, experts in the field analyse selected works of literature written in Dutch in different centuries. These works contain various regionally specific elements. The linguistic section focuses on two different approaches to viewing language. The first approach observes the language separately based on its borders, while the second one studies the language in comparison with languages from different language families.

Praagse Perspectieven 4 (2006)

DBNL, E-shop FF UK

The literary contributions to the fourth The Prague Perspectives colloquium centre around specific cases of literary fame, such as wide recognition after the author’s death, the sudden loss of recognition instead, and other extraordinary ways of acquiring literary fame. The speeches on linguistic topics explore the role of grammar in the process of teaching Dutch. The speakers discuss various methods and approaches in foreign language teaching.

Praagse Perspectieven 3 (2005)

DBNL, E-shop FF UK

The literary section of The Prague Perspectives 3 ties in with the preceding volume dedicated to self-examination in literature written in Dutch. This issue contains five contributions regarding national stereotypes in Dutch-language literature, inspired by Joep Larssen and Manfred Beller’s Imagology HandbookThe linguistic section centres around the topics of complexity and contrastivity. The contributions are based on the controversial dissertation by Wouter Kusters, who poses the question whether languages may be compared on the grounds of their grammatical complexity.

Praagse Perspectieven 2 (2004)

DBNL, E-shop FF UK

The second volume of The Prague Perspectives includes the speeches presented during a two-day colloquium as well as older contributions. The first part focuses on  self-examination in literature written in Dutch with select works analysed using imagology-based research. The linguistic section concentrates on the specifics of business correspondence. The colloquium concluded with a workshop offering Dutch Studies students the opportunity to try and compose a business letter.

Praagse Perspectieven 1 (2003)


The Prague Perspectives arose from the initiative of Dr. Ellen Krol, who worked at Department of Dutch Studies until the academic year of 2014/15.

Each volume consists of two sections: literary and linguistic. In this issue, the literary half focuses on travel texts from the 17th to the 20th century.

During a practice-oriented linguistics day, the senior students had the opportunity to improve their language and debating skills, guided by the members of the Erasmus Debating Society (a Dutch debating club).

En niemand zo aardig als zij… Opstellen voor Olga Krijtová (2001)

The publication was issued in 2001 to commemorate Olga Krijtová’s 70th birthday and 40th year at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. Krijtová was a translator and a specialist in the field of Dutch Studies. The articles in the volume share a common topic: the general intercultural aspects of Dutch in literature written in Dutch.

The publication is unavailable for order.

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